
Un chistecito para la malagajam weekend 17
Juego para la Malaga Jam 16 sobre un ser que vive solo en un planeta, planeta que explotará cuando cierres el juego.
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A visual novel about nuclear conflict and the lesser evil.
Visual Novel
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play pong alone
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just relax as you ascend
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game developed for the global game jam 2023, roots theme (family -> mafia). Z: ninja mode
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Kill this fucking mosquito!
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An astral - arcade - sport video game where you will have to overcome the challenge of the stars
¿Quieres salir del bosque?. ¡Pues no despiertes a la bestia!
small prototype to practice the creation of mechanics for a 2d platformer and level design
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Use a hook to move objects and help people
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An arcade game about survive while killing space frogs.
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Un camino en el que estrecharás lazos con tu abuela, al tiempo que salvas el mundo de la tecnología desbocada
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Un juego de la Malaga Jam 11
You are an octopus and you have to dodge balls and survive
It is a competitive two player game in which you must use the weight of some boxes to knock down the opponent.